Sensitivity & Pain
One of the most painful issues that I see, among divorcing
couples, is the tendency to self-blame, to a fault. Meaning – that 1 person says something that
might be innocent – or might even be a fact – and the other person hears it as
SEARING criticism.
For example – “I am a teacher, so I can be with our child at
3pm. On your nights he is not with you
until 6pm.”
This is a factual statement.
The 6pm parent practically burst into tears, hearing it as an accusation
of not being a dedicated, caring parent.
I guess we are all hypersensitive when it comes to comments
of our spouses - and even more so, when the relationship has deteriorated to the point of breaking up.
I always feel – speechless – at these moments. My goal, during mediation, is to bring that
dynamic to their attention.
“Wow, so it sounded to me as if you felt like M—was saying
that you are a less-involved parent.”
“yes, he/she was saying
that,” will reply the upset parent.
“M—were you trying to say that?”
Usually M—will respond with – ‘absolutely not, I know that
you are a completely committed and involved parent, in fact a great parent to
our child.’
We are all happiest in relationships where we like ourselves, we like the person we feel that we are, when with the other person - and who wants to be a person who constantly hurts our lover?